05 - Day of Temporary Discharge

>> February 02, 2022 | Day 5 | PJS

Surgeon Dr Jong came around 9.00 am giving me an option whether to be discharged or stay put under the care of nurses. I chose to stay home for change of environment. I had been admitted for the last 5 days and staying in ward with strict Covid SOP was quite a life changing situation. Medicines were already my rice and tasteless meal are forcibly taken to reduce my weight. 

Likewise, Life wasn't easy for Mama

However we cannot deny that we love the service given by the nurses, not to mention the room size and its cleanliness. The nurses were pleasently professional in their  undertaking, genuinely caring, engagingly empathetic, very responsible and highly responsive to our queries. I excused them for the outdated/malfunction TV set. @Room 518

2.00 pm - My hospital Wrist-band was released 

However I have to coming back on the 7th and 9th February for CT Scan and Lung Function Test respectively.

Mama - 2.30 am