>> 21 June 2023 | JPS & KKPj
1. After twice posponment due to travelling I came with sport gear as advised by the nurse over the phone. This is my 3-monthly review and then-after will be 6-monthly i.e. December. I was required by David to do 'speed walking' for 6 minutes for a distance of 50m per round. I manage to walk 10 rounds and pronounced 'quite fit'
3. Earlier I did my blood test on 25 May - the sametime Haji Alias was having his angio. He was said to have 3 blockages and will be back to PJS again for further treatment.
4. Yesterday bro Dahlan underwent his stenting - 2 out of 3 blockages. Thereafter PJS reffered him to Miri Hospital for subsequent follow-up
5. According to Doctor - other than my bad cholestrol which is a little bit on the high side, my sugar level is superbly 4.7 and my BP is 112. My weight is still 84 kgs.
6. Doctor advised me to change my eating habit and my life style ie to reduce oily food like Canai instead to take more vege and fruits. Doctor added, among others :
- 'You must be your own doctor'
- 'Urine test result never tell lie'
- 'Medication + Correct Diet + Excercise will arrest the Cholestrol problem'
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